Dear Marci,

I recently got a letter saying that I might be eligible for the Medicare Savings Program. How do I know if I qualify?

– Imani (New York, NY)

Dear Imani,

I’m happy to help with this question! The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) can help pay your Medicare costs if you have limited income and savings. States use different rules to count your income and assets to determine if you are eligible for an MSP.

  • Examples of income include wages and Social Security benefits you receive.
  • Examples of assets include checking accounts and stocks.

Certain income and assets may not count when determining your MSP eligibility. And some states do not have an asset limit.

You’ll want to check your individual state’s eligibility guidelines, but here are typical eligibility limits for some states:

  • Income limits:
    • Individual- $1,715
    • Couple- $2,320
  • Asset limits
    • Individual- $9,430
    • Couple- $14,130

If your income or assets seem to be above the MSP guidelines, you should still apply—different counting rules mean that you could still be eligible.

To learn about the eligibility rules for the MSPs in your state, contact your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).

Good luck!


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